SpeedkitYoutube (Experimental)

Please note the privacy policy when using. Google Youtube-API is integrated via dependency youtube-player.

We have integrated SpeedkitYoutube (Experimental) as an example to show how iFrame content must be integrated in a performance-optimized manner. For this purpose, a separate IntersectionObserver has been implemented, which detects a longer dwell time of the component in the viewport. The iFrame is initialized only after a positive detection. This prevents immense data from having to be loaded when simply scrolling through the page. So that no empty space is visible to the user, we use the functionality of the SpeedkitPicture (Experimental) and preload the corresponding Youtube poster in different renditions, so the illusion is perfect for the user and he does not notice anything of the optimized lazy load procedure.

SpeedkitYoutube (Experimental) is based on the component SpeedkitPicture (Experimental). We hope that with the final completion of @nuxt/image we will be able to modify this component and can use @nuxt/image & NuxtPicture with full functionality.


The SpeedkitYoutube (Experimental) is used to initialise Youtube videos with Youtube-API only when they are in the visible viewport.

The id of the Youtube video and the appropriate viewport dependent widths must be specified in sizes (What is sizes?). The SpeedkitPicture (Experimental) is used for the poster, so the generation of the poster is automated.

Learn more about SpeedkitPicture (Experimental)


    <speedkit-youtube v-bind="youtube" @playing="onPlaying"  />

import SpeedkitPicture from '#speedkit/components/experimental/SpeedkitYoutube';
export default {
  components: { SpeedkitPicture },
  data () {
    return {
      youtube: {
        id: 'youtube-id',
        host: 'https://www.youtube-nocookie.com',
        config: { … },
        poster: {
          sources: [
            { src: 'poster.jpg', sizes: '414,768:768,576:576,1024:1024,1280:1280,1680:1680,1920:1920' },
          alt: 'Youtube Alt',
          title: 'Youtube Title'
  methods: {
    onPlaying () {
      console.log('Youtube Player playing!');


  id: 'youtube-id',
  autoplay: false,
  host: 'https://www.youtube-nocookie.com',
  config: { … }


  • Type: String
    • required

Sets the Youtube ID.


  • Type: String
    • Default: undefined

Defines the viewport dependent image sizes for the poster.

If undefined the image size of Youtube thumbnail is used (e.g. https://img.youtube.com/vi/${id}/maxresdefault.jpg).


  • Type: Boolean
    • Default: false

If set, the player is started automatically when the viewport centre is reached.


  • Type: String
    • Default: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com

Sets the host url for the Youtube player.


  • Type: Object
    • Default: { playsinline: 1, modestbranding: 1 }

Sets the Youtube player configuration.

Learn more about Youtube Player Parameters


  @loading="console.log('Video Loading!')" 
  @playing="console.log('Video Playing!')" 
readyTriggered when Youtube-Api is completely loaded.
loadingTriggered when video starts loading.
playingTriggered when video is finished loading and playing.
enterTriggered when component has reached the viewport.