
If the SpeedkitLayer is implemented, the javascript initialisation is automatically monitored. If one of the events

  • reduced bandwidth
  • weak hardware
  • unsupported browser

occurs, the process is paused and only continued or cancelled after a user interaction in the layer.

The layer is placed once in the layout (e.g. layouts/default.vue). The included SpeedkitLayer serves as a wrapper and must be filled according to the template, see example component.

The content contains messages and buttons that are displayed in the respective event. Messages and buttons are defined with an id, these are set to display: none; by default via CSS.

  • e.g. nuxt-speedkit-message-unsupported-browser for message
  • e.g. nuxt-speedkit-button-init-app for button
For the closing mechanism of the layer, see Hide Layer.


The messages are elements that are displayed for the relevant events.

Initially, all IDs are set to display: none;, so no message is visible.
When an event is triggered, the relevant message is displayed via the ID using the style attribute display: block;.

nuxt-speedkit-message-nojsJavascript is disabled.
nuxt-speedkit-message-reduced-bandwidthConnection bandwidth is too low.
nuxt-speedkit-message-weak-hardwareUser hardware are not sufficient.
nuxt-speedkit-message-unsupported-browserUser Browser is not supported by Browserslist.


<!-- initial -->
<div id="nuxt-speedkit-message-unsupported-browser">
  Your browser is not supported!

<!-- active -->
<div id="nuxt-speedkit-message-unsupported-browser" style="display: block;">
  Your browser is not supported!


The buttons are interaction elements for the user with which he can make his choice at the relevant event.

Initially, all IDs except for nuxt-speedkit-button-nojs are set to display: none;. When an event is triggered, the relevant button is displayed via the ID using the style attribute display: block;.

nuxt-speedkit-button-init-nojsVisible when javascript is disabled, needed so that the user can hide the layer. Requires the Hide Layer implementation.
nuxt-speedkit-button-init-reduced-viewIs used to offer the user the possibility to visit the page only with activated fonts and images. Other initialisations of the Javascript are prevented.
nuxt-speedkit-button-init-appActivates all features. The initialisation of the JavaScript is started, images are loaded.
It is recommended to register an Inline Click-Event for the buttons #nuxt-speedkit-button-init-reduced-view and #nuxt-speedkit-button-init-app.

More information under Force App initialization

Hide Layer

<label for="nuxt-speedkit-layer-close">
  Close Layer

The layer can be closed via a for attribute with the id nuxt-speedkit-layer-close.

  • Closing mechanics does not require javascript.


    <p>Sorry, but you will have a limited user experience due to a…</p>

    <ul style="padding: 0; list-style: none;">
      <!-- Displayed when javascript is disabled. -->
      <li id="nuxt-speedkit-message-nojs">
        disabled javascript
      <!-- Displayed when browser does not support. -->
      <li id="nuxt-speedkit-message-unsupported-browser">
        outdated browser
      <!-- Displayed when connection bandwidth is too low. -->
      <li id="nuxt-speedkit-message-reduced-bandwidth">
      <!-- Displayed when user hardware are not sufficient.  -->
      <li id="nuxt-speedkit-message-weak-hardware">
        weak hardware

    <!-- Button to hide the layer with no javascript -->
    <button id="nuxt-speedkit-button-init-nojs">
      <label for="nuxt-speedkit-layer-close">
        Apply without js

    <!-- Button for use without javascript and with fonts -->
    <button id="nuxt-speedkit-button-init-reduced-view">
      <label for="nuxt-speedkit-layer-close">
        Apply without scripts

    <!-- Button for activate javascript by bad connection or browser support -->
    <button id="nuxt-speedkit-button-init-app">
      Apply with all Features

Force App initialization

For Unsupported-Browser and Insufficient Hardware events, an onclick event must also be set with the id.

In the event, the global variable __NUXT_SPEEDKIT_AUTO_INIT__ must be set to true.

These are needed if the user has already reacted before the initial Javascript has been loaded. After the javascript has been successfully loaded, the app is automatically initialised.

__NUXT_SPEEDKIT_AUTO_INIT__BooleanIf set, initialisation continues after the javascript has been fully loaded.false